Until December 31st, we are offering Poshie for free to small CUs!

24/7 Support for your members

Meet Poshie, your personalized web assistant

We are revolutionizing member service for credit unions with generative AI. Say goodbye to long wait times and frustrated members.Poshie streamlines information retrieval, allowing members to quickly find answers to their most common questions.

Instant Personalization

Poshie constantly learns from the content on your website to correctly answer questions.

24/7 Availability

Provide instant, accurate responses, enhancing member satisfaction and engagement.

Multilingual Support

Cater to the diverse needs of your members. Break language barriers and ensure everyone feels welcome and understood.

Automate Routine Questions

Reduce your support volume with AI

Say goodbye to limited capacity! Poshie runs 24/7, answers all routine questions and directs customers to the right spot on your website. This enables staff to focus on the tough customer questions.

Easy setup with no maintenance

Setup Poshie in minutes

Poshie instantly learns from the publicly available content on your website. No need to write or update content! Installation is as easy as copy and paste to get Poshie live on your site in hours, not weeks.

Tailored For Credit Unions

Accuracy you can trust

Poshie is specially built for credit unions. By leveraging industry specific knowledge and content from your website, answers are always accurate and on-brand.